Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Labor model is cloudising

Let's see how syposis of this changing of cloud world is going on. Some are saying you dont need specific software, the others are saying you can work no matter where you are.

What these comments are implying? My points are there.
* People dont belong to a company but belong to a cloud

Previously on last decade, networks had changed our working style. We can access much network resources easily that we dont need to go to library, ask experts. At a company, people in front of their desktop/laptop pcs can work with the resources.

This is a big phenomena with pc and network. Again a big impact is expected to happen.

We can work at home if we want. With pc, network, trustful security, mobile phone, we can performe as long as we do at office. Why do we have to go to office? Is there any apparent answers? I'm sure there is no good answers so far.

Pcs are used to belong to a company due to their cost. Around early this decade their price were rather expensive. And security was not enough to be established.
That's why we had to go to office and work with them. We could not keep them with their home. However at present, we dont need to consider of them. They are cleared.

What does working at home & no more office mean? What does working with network mean?

My guess would be that people dont belong to a company no more and belong to a clould. So far, jobs come thru a company becuase company has jobs. What if cloud has jobs on cloud computing? Each could work on jobs with the internet and mushup if needed. Thanks to cloud companies like google, salesforce, all can access to information with the internet. we can only have pcs and the internet.

What would cloud bring to us?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

グーグルのOpen Handset Alliance、続々と新企業が参加--ソフトバンクや東芝も


Googleの「Android」モバイルOSの利用を促進する「Open Handset Alliance」は、世界最大の携帯電話会社であるVodafoneなど、新たに14の企業が今週、参加を表明したことを明らかにした。

 Open Handset Allianceへと参加した新企業は、Vodafoneに加え、AKM Semiconductor、ARM、ASUSTek Computer、Atheros Communications、Borqs、Ericsson、Garmin International、Huawei Technologies、オムロンソフトウェア、ソフトバンクモバイル、Sony Ericsson、Teleca、東芝となっている。